845 Grand Avenue, Grand Junction, CO 81501             (970) 245-5775          cdiaz@thearcmesa.org

The Arc Mesa County © 2019  |  All Rights Reserved

The Arc Mesa County
Strategic Plan 2021-2026 (5-Year Plan)


Through collaborative effort, influencing public policy and increasing public awareness, The Arc Mesa County advocates for people with intellectual or developmental disabilities and their families, wherever they may be, to ensure their opportunity to pursue personal goals, be educated, and live, work and recreate with other community members. 


By 2026, Arc Mesa County will work to:

  •       Maintain advocating for pre-K through 12th and into adult life.

  •      Maintain advocating for consumer-directed adult services throughout Mesa County.

  •       Maintain a strong community presence, including a legislative response system, social media, and website.

  •       Maintain a solid financial position and exemplary accounting/reporting system.

  •        Maintain a high-functioning and committed Board of Directors.

  •        Continue to provide supports to community agencies and events that support Individuals with Disabilities (e.g., Regional/State

  •         Special Olympics, Special Needs Prom, People First Mesa County).

**This Strategic Framework was developed during the global COVID-19 pandemic.  This pandemic shows how individuals within the IDD community were and are treated differently.  We are trying to handle new and unexpected challenges and want people with IDD to be treated fairly, The Arc Mesa County will continue to advocate, try new things, and meet the needs of our individuals differently.

  Strategy #1- Build the Movement


  •  We will continue to work to mobilize people to create change.
  •  We will continue to serve and support diverse populations.
  •  We will continue to raise funds to support our work.
  •  We will work to help people to become knowledgeable advocates.


  • Maintain advocacy services for pre-K through 12th grade in Mesa County Valley School District 51 and other neighborhood schools (Caprock, Juniper Ridge, etc.)
  • Host a Fundraiser.
  • Film Festival and/or Fashion Show (may be Virtual)
  • Host Photo Session featuring Individuals with Disability & IDD community to showcase in a calendar and/or cookbook.
  • Continue to participate in Refund Colorado.
  • Host a Yard Sale that will benefit our assistance for Individual’s budget line item.

Strategy #2- Speak Truth to Anyone Who Will Listen and Those Who Will Not


  • We will share our stories about people with IDD and their families.
  • We will continue to teach the public about barriers faced by people with IDD.
  • We will continue to pay attention to individuals with IDD, recognizing their needs and work to meet their needs.  Including all ages, ethnicities, sexual orientation, religion, socio-economic and citizenship status.


  • Provide guardianship trainings, materials and/or resources for Parents/Guardians and/or Self-Advocates.
  • Provide Supported Decision Making trainings, materials and/or resources. (2021-New Legislation)
  • Provide educational trainings, materials, and/or resources focused on IDEA, ADA, 504, IEP (Rules & Regs)
  • Attend Resource Fairs.
  • Help position schools to succeed (e.g., help with resources to meet specific student/family needs).
  • Work to improve opportunities for jobs within our community for adults with IDD.

Strategy #3- Advocate


  • We will continue to make change on issues important to people with IDD and their families.
  • We will continue to support self-advocate leaders.
  • We will continue to make change through policy, legal, and program advocacy.


  • Provide individual advocacy for children and adults with disabilities in Mesa County.
  • Maintain advocating for consumer-directed adult services throughout the service area.
  • Maintain advocating for student services under IDEA, 504, ADA throughout the local school district to be inclusive, student specific, and in the least restrictive environment.  
  • Continued collaboration with 14 Arc chapters across the state through CEARC meetings and other work.
  • Continued work with legislative activities through CEARC, lobbyists, community & participate in public policy calls.
  • Establish and maintain relationships with local legislators.
  • Establish and maintain relationships with likeminded state and national organizations.
  • Maintain respectable relationships with all district personnel and board members in Mesa County.
  • Maintain sufficient staffing by professional personnel will be retained to carry forth the work of Arc Mesa County.
  • Maintain current staff.
  • Explore opportunities to hire office support staff that is bi-lingual who can assist with Spanish speaking families.
  • Explore opportunities for student intern.

 Strategy #4- Extend Our Reach


  • We will continue to support and influence Mesa county and other communities where people with IDD live.
  • We will work to expand and support our community network.
  • We will continue to prioritize the needs of our IDD community.
  • We will work to make everything we do more accessible, equitable, and inclusive.


  • Maintain a strong community presence, including legislative response system, social media, and website.
  • Participate in activities to positively impact cultural barriers for educational knowledge.
  • Have an accessible property with the ability to host parent, family, and community trainings.
  • Continue to increase engagements with other service providers as well as continued participation on boards and committees of local providing agencies and non-profits.
  • Provide ABAS-3 (Adaptive Behavior Assessment System) evaluation (Qualification for eligibility on Medicaid I/DD waiver)
  • Provide education to community agencies about who we are (ex. Physicians, Sheriff’s department, DHS, etc.)
  • Provide appropriate accommodations for clients (Interpreters, Sign Language)

Strategy #5- Innovate


  •  We will find new ways of supporting the IDD community.
  • We will try new programs and services and test them.
  • We will continue to maintain partnerships with our community.


  • Provide support and sponsor-
    • Local and State Special Olympics
    • Special Needs Prom
    • Advise Western Slope - People First Mesa County
    • Arc Thrift Luncheon
    • Other community disability groups

  • Provide opportunities to upgrade technology-
    • Continue to grow our collaboration with IN-Colorado Initiative for inclusive higher education for students with IDD.
    • Provide The Arc Mesa County Staff with opportunities to increase learning through local & statewide trainings virtually and in-person.
    • Provide the Arc Mesa County Board of Directors opportunities to increase learning through local & statewide trainings virtually and in-person.
    • Arc Mesa County programming will be regularly evaluated, with gathered data/analysis used to make modifications that maximize the impact of service delivery-
  • Executive Director will conduct an annual formal evaluation of advocacy staff.
  • Board of Directors will conduct an annual formal evaluation of the Executive Director.
  • Staff will provide all clients with Client/Family Survey for feedback on advocacy services.

 Strategy #6- Increase, Secure, and Utilize Budget Resources


  • Engage in resource management and development activities that help to ensure the financial sustainability of Arc Mesa County.


  • Work to have property inspected to develop maintenance plan.
  • Develop and budget for on-going building maintenance plan which may include.
    • Windows replaced or fixed.
    • Replacement of certain boards in hardwood floor as needed due to use.
    • Sanding and refinish hardware floor throughout office.
    • Roof inspection and shingles replaced as needed.
    • East side- Building exterior cracked.
    • Repaving of back parking lot
    • Re-painting parking spaces and opportunities to create Handicapped parking space(s)
    • Purchase and post one-way sign for alley to provide safety for staff and clients.
  • Increase reserve funds and hold reserves to equivalent of 12 months’ operating costs.
  • Increase staff and client accessibility by completing elevator project.
  • Apply for PPP Loan(s) and qualify for loan forgiveness – for payroll expense.
  • Increase advocacy salary by 3%-5%